Bergson, Judaism and Catholicism


  • R. J. Weksler Waszkinel Catholic University


Bergson, Judaism, Catholicism, France


The title of this paper features the name of one of the greatest French philosophers of this century--one whose commitment to modernity was matched by his commitment to the principles of religious faith. In the pages that follow, I wish to clarify some aspects of Bergson's religious principles, by focusing on his last will and testament.

Author Biography

R. J. Weksler Waszkinel, Catholic University

Rev. Fr. Romuald Jakub Weksler-Waszkinel is a lecturer in Philosophy at the Catholic University of Lublin Poland.


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How to Cite

Waszkinel, R. J. W. (1997). Bergson, Judaism and Catholicism. Journal of Dharma, 22(3), 225–246. Retrieved from